25 Songs, 25 Days: Main Post

October 13, 2017

Hello! I'm back with daily prompts. Lately I don't know what to write so this blog end up kinda hiatus. Hopefully daily prompts will be able to force me to write more regularly. I found this prompt at Pinterest long time ago and decided to start writing daily posts with that. Besides it is about music. The whole world know how I love music very much. Here is the list of categories.

Now I'm getting excited.

I will (hopefully) post one category everyday. The post will include a video/MV of the song I choose and a short story about why I choose the song or the event related to it.  As you know that my life and music are inseparable, in the next posts you will see a more personal side of me.

Well, enjoy the songs and good luck to me (for writing daily)! 😁

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